Overview: The Standard Model of Particle Physics (SM) has been incredibly successful with all of its predictions validated by observations.
The discovery of the Higgs boson (H) in 2012 by ATLAS and CMS experiments at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was a triumph of the SM. Since its
discovery, many measurements of the Higgs boson’s properties have been carried out, and so far all the results agree with the SM predictions
within uncertainties. However, in order to fully characterize the Higgs boson, it is necessary to measure its coupling to itself (Higgs
self-coupling), a property that has cosmological consequences. The quartic Higgs self-coupling is not possible in any current experimental
facility, but the trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling can be accessed in events with pair-produced Higgs bosons (HH) at the LHC. Any
deviation from the SM prediction in the HH production cross-section will be an unmistakable sign of new physics. On the contrary, if
the experimental results agree with the SM predictions, then several new theories, built to address the shortcomings of the SM and
that predict enhancements of the HH cross-section will be ruled out as feasible models of Nature. The proposed research aims to search
for pair-produced Higgs bosons in the proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC.
Intellectual Merit: ATLAS is a general-purpose particle detector built cylindrically around the proton-proton collision point around the LHC.
It measures the resulting particles from the proton-proton collision at the highest achievable energies in a laboratory. The LHC completed
the first run (2008-2013), second run (2015-2018), and has completed year one of its third run (Run3). It is expected to deliver a few
hundred fb-1 of data by the end of Run3, providing much needed data statistics for more precise measurements. Researchers in the Shrestha
Lab will analyze this data to search for HH bosons in the bbWW channel. Previously deemed impossible due to large, irreducible top-quark
background, this channel has made significant progress in the past few years, and is poised to contribute significantly to the measurement
of Higgs boson self-coupling. In order to enhance sensitivity to the HH signal, Washington College (WAC) ATLAS group will lead the efforts
to enhance trigger efficiency for the HH signal and event selection, improve background modeling, and suppress background through kinematic
fitting and other multivariate analysis. In addition, we will continue to study the performance of the b-jet trigger, necessary for several
physics analyses, including HH searches. Finally, WAC students will contribute to the hardware of the BCM’, a sub-detector critical for
the safety of ATLAS and for luminosity measurement. These projects will advance the physics program of ATLAS for Run3, and give us
deeper insight into the working of nature at the most fundamental scales.
Broader Impacts:The Shrestha Lab aims to establish a research and education program in particle physics at WAC, an
undergraduate institution with a student body of roughly 1000, of which 20% identify as the underrepresented minorities. WAC has successfully
attracted and trained students from diverse backgrounds in physics and prepared them for successful careers in science. In the Shrestha
Lab, WAC students will participate in an international scientific collaboration, analyzing LHC data and testing the frontiers of detector
technology, and in the process will contribute to the fundamental understanding of nature. Though WAC is a small institution, it plays a
significant role in educating some of the brightest students for productive careers in cutting-edge fields that contribute to the well-being
and economic security of the U.S.